Hide And Keep Page 14
“Aiden… Aiden, please!” Lane sobbed as he poured himself deep into Aiden’s tight passage before he shuddered and writhed over him. Aiden didn’t know what Lane was begging for but everything inside of him ached to give Lane whatever he wanted. Lane collapsed on top of Aiden and was limp and silent for several minutes before he groaned and rolled off. He found Aiden’s hand and pulled it to his lips and kissed Aiden’s palm then sighed breathlessly. “We need to get moving.” He said before he swung his legs over the side of the bed. Aiden’s body jumped when Lane’s hand stung his ass with a swift slap. “We have a plane to catch. Let’s get in the shower.” He commanded as he strode for the bathroom.
Aiden smiled despite being completely exhausted. Lane was back.
Chapter 19
A torrent of text messages came two days after they got back. Aiden was reclining against Lane’s chest as they watched a documentary on Netflix. There was an urgent, rapid buzzing as Aiden’s phone danced on the coffee table. Aiden’s body became stiff and trembled briefly as he reached for the phone. Lane wrapped his arms around Aiden’s chest as he rubbed his lips against Aiden’s ear.
“We knew this was coming.” Lane whispered. Aiden nodded as he slid his thumb to unlock the screen and tapped on the text message icon. There were five messages and the phone kept growling as more came in.
You shouldn’t have gone back to Lake Cliff.
He can’t have you. I’ll never give you up.
He’ll never love you as much as I do.
I’m going to fuck you on top of him as he bleeds to death.
I’m going to cover my cock in his blood and fuck you with it.
You’re going to tell me you love me before I paint the wall with your brain.
The last thing I see when I swallow a bullet will be your lifeless eyes.
Aiden’s hands shook as he pressed the home button on his phone and set it on the table without reading the rest of the messages.
“He’s in an extra gory mood today.” Lane chuckled softly as he held Aiden tighter. Aiden turned and looked at Lane in shock.
“Why are you laughing? He wants to kill you too!” Aiden’s voice was high and broke as his chest started to heave with panic. Lane wrapped his hands around Aiden’s face.
“He can want until his ass falls off. He isn’t going to kill me.” He promised. Aiden drew a deep breath and nodded faintly. Lane pressed a kiss to Aiden’s lips. “He’s pissed because we were able to out maneuver him. He knows he’s not in control anymore and that we’re not afraid of him.” He pulled back and his eyes locked onto Aiden’s. “We’re not afraid of him and we’re happy. He’s coming apart and he’s going to make a mistake soon.” Lane said as he brushed his thumb over Aiden’s lips. Aiden shut his eyes and exhaled slowly.
“We’re not afraid of him and we’re happy.” He whispered. When Aiden opened his eyes Lane was watching him closely.
“Right?” Lane asked as he pressed his forehead to Aiden’s.
“Right.” Aiden repeated firmly before he pulled Lane’s lips to his.
Chapter 20
Rain slammed relentlessly into the windows. Aiden frowned as he looked at the paragraph he’d read ten times. Another gust of wind and it sounded like gravel hitting glass. Aiden sighed as he slid his hand under Lane’s t-shirt. They were lying on the sofa and Lane was draped over Aiden’s body, he was somewhere between watching the storm and falling asleep. Lane hummed drowsily and Aiden’s brows pulled together as he considered Lane’s prone body.
It had been three weeks since they returned from D.C.. The days had become a hazy warm sweet blur. They spent a lot of time sprawled on the sofa, watching football games or movies, reading, napping, talking… Every now and then, Lane would walk around the house, looking out the windows, scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Aiden smiled at the plate on the coffee table and the last cookie. His cookie. After Aiden told Lane sugar cookies were his favorite, he made it his mission to find the perfect sugar cookie recipe. Aiden thought the first batch was great but he wasn’t going to complain about his new role as taste tester. And they could afford the extra calories. Aiden caught site of Lane’s five mile run time and boasted that he often ran it faster. The next day, Lane ran like he had a swarm of bees in his pants and beat Aiden’s best time. It was on. Every time Aiden knocked a few seconds off Lane’s time, Lane beat him by a few seconds. Aiden was certain one of them would die on the treadmill before their duel would end. It would have to be Lane.
Of course, there was sex. A lot of sex. In the morning, they woke up and had sex. They fooled around in the shower, flirted over breakfast, teased each other on the sofa and usually had sex before lunch. After lunch, they cuddled on the sofa and napped for a few hours. They flirted while Lane cooked and while they ate dinner then made out on the sofa with a movie on or in bed while they were meant to be reading before they had sex. They would shower before they stumbled into bed and they’d pass out in each other’s arms. It was utter perfection for Aiden.
What about Lane? Aiden wondered. Was it perfect for him? Lane was used to working long hours and had weeks of leave saved up because he never took time off. He was dedicated to his career and unlike Aiden, enjoyed being around people and had friends. And he had his family. After he found out about Burgess and went on leave, Lane called his family and told them they’d have to stay away for a while. It wasn’t safe for them to visit. As far as Aiden could tell, Lane appeared content and upbeat despite their isolation. Would you be able to tell if he wasn’t happy? Aiden asked himself and recalled the night in D.C.. It wouldn’t be hard for Lane to hide his feelings from Aiden if he wasn’t.
“Lane?” Aiden tapped his back and Lane hummed again as he nuzzled his face against Aiden’s chest. “Are you bored?” Aiden asked. Lane raised his head and blinked at Aiden, making his eyes less heavy.
“What? Why?” Lane frowned at Aiden as he searched his face. “Are you?” He asked. Aiden shook his head.
“Of course not. But you’re the one sacrificing everything and you’re stuck in here with me.” Aiden said softly as he brushed the hair from Lane’s brow. He needed a haircut. It had to be driving him crazy. Regardless, Lane rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“This is not a sacrifice. This is kind of like heaven.” Lane insisted. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be right now.” He said as he stretched and brushed his lips against Aiden’s and kissed him tenderly. Heat and gentle pressure filled Aiden’s chest and his heartbeat tickled against his ribs.
“You’re sure?” Aiden hoped that Lane was being honest and not lying to make him feel better. “Don’t you miss work? This can’t be a lot of fun for you.” He felt Lane’s hands sliding between his back and the sofa, down to cup his ass and Lane squeezed playfully.
“All I had was work, Aiden. I’m realizing that that’s not much of a life.” Lane used his teeth to push Aiden’s shirt up, exposing his navel. Lane flicked it with his tongue as he grinned at Aiden. Soft orange warmth spread in Aiden’s groin and his hands ruffled through Lane’s hair. Lane rubbed his lips over Aiden’s taut flesh. “What could be more fun than having your own sex machine?” He murmured against Aiden’s skin. Aiden frowned as he considered. It didn’t sound like a compliment.
“Do you think my performance is mechanical, when we have sex?” He asked warily. Lane laughed as he shook his head and Aiden felt it against his stomach, causing his cock to twitch as it hardened.
“No. You’re like a machine in that you don’t get tired and you ride me like you’re made of pistons and rods.” Lane explained. Aiden could feel Lane’s erection pressing against his leg as he smiled up at him. “And that’s a lot of fun.” He winked before he dropped his head and bit the side of Aiden’s stomach m
aking him jump. Aiden twisted away, he was sensitive there.
“We have a lot of sex. What if it gets boring?” Aiden gasped as Lane’s tongue slid up his side.
Lane lifted his head and became still. He didn’t move for several moments before he slowly slid back and sat on his heels. His eyes held Aiden’s and he wondered if Lane was even breathing. Aiden sat up and leaned forward, willing Lane to say or do something as his nerves became brittle. Lane’s hand shot out and snatched the cookie off the plate and he jumped to his feet. Aiden gasped in horror as he dove for the cookie.
“That’s mine!” Aiden yelled as he scrambled to his feet. Lane skipped back quickly and a cocky grin tilted his lips.
“Possession is 9/10’s of the law, sir.” He teased as he jumped when Aiden lunged at him.
“That’s archaic and not completely, legally accurate.” Aiden insisted as he chased Lane into the kitchen. Lane spun around the counter and faced Aiden.
“You’re going to argue law, with me?” He asked incredulously as he shifted left when Aiden moved to his right. Aiden straightened and his brows pulled tight.
“Are you suggesting that I’m less knowledgeable in regard to the law?” He asked and Lane pretended to consider the matter as he thoughtfully waved the cookie in front of him.
“Probably not in the grand scheme of things. But as far as this cookie is concerned, you’d have a hard time proving ownership.” Lane argued before he took a bite.
“No!” Aiden screamed like a wounded animal as he dashed around the counter.
Lane bolted into the living room and hurdled over the coffee table. Aiden followed and reached but came up with air as Lane ducked under the stairs and ran back toward the kitchen. Lane tried to stop and his socks skidded on the smooth concrete. Aiden rushed at him but Lane sprinted up the stairs. Aiden took them two at a time and Lane laughed as he turned and glided backwards, his socks sliding smoothly over the polished wood floor. He took another bite and Aiden roared as he crashed into Lane, pulling him hard against his body and he reached for the last third of the cookie that Lane held high over their heads. Lane’s hand slid around Aiden’s head, pulling his lips roughly against Lane’s. Aiden growled softly as he tasted cookie and laughter on Lane’s lips and tongue. His tongue surged into Lane’s mouth, seeking every trace of vanilla and sugar and need exploded as Lane pushed Aiden against the wall and thrust his hips against Aiden’s. Lane raised his head and smiled down at Aiden.
“I can find ways to make things more entertaining if I get bored, Aiden.” He breathed as he pushed Aiden’s sweatpants down over his hips. Lane’s hand wrapped around Aiden’s ass and pulled hard and Aiden groaned as Lane’s cock ground against his. “Still want the cookie?” Lane whispered as his lips teased Aiden’s. His eyes twinkled and Aiden nodded. “Don’t drop it.” Lane warned before he set it between Aiden’s teeth and dropped to his knees.
Aiden’s eyes flared and he moaned around the cookie as Lane’s tongue washed over his pulsing erection. Lane winked up at Aiden as he opened his lips wide and wrapped them around Aiden’s cock. He began to suck loudly as his fingers scraped down Aiden’s thighs before his hands slid back up and wrapped around Aiden’s sack and the base of his cock. Aiden forgot about the cookie as he stared down at Lane, the sight of him sucking and lapping at his heavy solid beating hot hard-on had Aiden mesmerized until Lane’s hands and mouth released it.
“Turn.” Lane commanded.
Without thinking, Aiden turned and faced the wall. Lane’s tongue slid up the inside of Aiden’s thigh and he gasped around the cookie. It started to feel soggy as Aiden panted around it. Lane’s tongue swept along the cleft of Aiden’s ass and the cookie hit the floor. Aiden felt puffs of air against the tender, puckered skin as Lane chuckled. Glowing soft wet heat washed over and filled Aiden’s hole as Lane’s tongue swirled and probed skillfully as Lane generously bathed Aiden's flesh with saliva. Aiden panted impatiently against the wall as need clawed it’s way through his body and he felt the first stirring of a climax building.
“Lane, you have to fuck me now!” Aiden urged. He didn’t want to come like this, he needed Lane to fill him and make him complete first.
Aiden took a deep breath and willed his body to relax when Lane rose to his feet behind him. His pulse dropped for a few seconds until Aiden saw Lane’s pants fall and heard him spit in his hand. Aiden’s heart started to gallop in anticipation and he grit his teeth as more heat pooled in his groin. A hand locking around Aiden’s waist and another opening him had Aiden fighting against the pressure building in his balls. He felt the head of Lane’s cock pressing against his hole and Aiden pushed back. It wasn’t the easy cool slick of lube but the thin fleeting wet of spit and Aiden gasped as his tender skin gripped Lane’s cock and stung from the friction. The extra pain was enough to knock back the squeezing hum in the base of Aiden’s cock and sack and he sighed in relief and ecstasy. The good raw burn didn’t last long as Lane’s copious pre-cum bathed his erection and made it slick and hot. As soon as he was gliding smooth and easily, Lane pulled Aiden’s hips back and locked Aiden’s ass against his pelvis. Aiden braced his hands against the wall and his feet hooked around Lane’s legs as Lane drove deep.
“Are you having fun?” Lane whispered huskily. Aiden nodded drunkenly.
“Yes.” Aiden exhaled as his eyes rolled. Lane’s laugh was strained.
“Good. Me too.” He ground out as his thrusts came fast and hard.
Lost in the intense pressure and pleasure created by Lane’s thick length, relentlessly surging and retreating in his clenching passage, Aiden let his head fall and rested his forehead against the wall. Some time later, Aiden raised his head as throbbing heat gripped the base of his cock. He must have blacked out. Aiden blinked rapidly, making his eyes focus as he became aware of the slickness of his skin and the smell of their warm, lust possessed bodies. Aiden felt Lane’s fingers sliding and digging into his waist and hips as he clawed to maintain his grip while his body continued to roll and thrust into Aiden’s. Lane hissed and Aiden’s name was a strangled cry and Lane threw his head back as his body bucked and writhed. Aiden felt swelling rushing molten heat fill him and he gasped as everything in his body locked. Heat exploded and rolled though his body as he began to convulse. Aiden watched as ropes of come shot from the end of his erection against the wall and the floor. He shuddered as the last of his release slithered through him and a final, weak splash of come fell from his cock. Aiden felt a pang of regret when a fat drop landed on the forgotten remnant of cookie. He sighed as he carefully unhooked his feet and set them on the floor.
Lane groaned as he pulled out of Aiden and planted his hands on the wall outside of Aiden’s shoulders. He rested his head between Aiden’s shoulder blades as he waited for his breathing to settle. When Lane stood up, Aiden turned himself and leaned against the wall. Lane pressed a quick kiss to Aiden’s lips before he bent down to pull up his pants. Aiden heard Lane laugh and he shook his head as he picked up the piece of cookie. Lane slid Aiden a mischievous grin before he tossed it in the air and caught it in his mouth. Lane chewed and winked.
“Fucking delicious.” Lane said as he licked his thumb before he turned and went down the hall. “Clean all of that up. I’m going to make some more cookies.” Lane said over his shoulder before he skipped down the stairs.
Aiden stared for several moments, drifting between physical euphoria, gratitude and anticipation at the thought of fresh baked cookies after sex and shock and mild horror at seeing Lane eat a drool and come soaked cookie. Off the floor. He shook his head in overwhelmed confusion. Eventually, joy trumped everything as the sound of the mixer in the kitchen and the heavy weight of his satisfied body fused, forcing Aiden's lips into a goofy grin. He wasn't sure what all of this was, but it was beautiful and easy and Aiden wasn’t sure he was supposed to be there. As if in agreement, a harsh buzz came from Aiden’s phone in the living room. This was someone else’s perfect life. Aiden had somehow s
tumbled into it and brought Jonathan Burgess with him.
Everything outside the windows was still hard and cruel as the storm continued to pelt the house through the night. Inside, it was bright and velvety and tasted like cookies and skin. Aiden sighed and liked the way it made his chest rub against Lane’s back. The heavy pull of his exhausted, satisfied body was halted by the sound of his phone, vibrating angrily on the coffee table downstairs. Aiden squeezed his eyes shut as he felt Lane’s body tense against his.
“I just want all of this to be over.” Aiden whispered against Lane’s shoulder. He felt Lane draw in a long breath.
“All of it?” He asked cautiously. Aiden bit his lip hard and forbid his hand to move as the urge to smack himself in the face flared. Why would you say that? Aiden scolded. He tightened his arm around Lane.
“Not this.” He said softly. “I’m tired of waiting for something to happen. I feel like there’s an ax hanging over our heads. I don’t want to live in fear anymore. And I’m really tired Burgess interrupting moments like this. Even when there aren’t any messages, it's like he’s always here.” Aiden sat up and rubbed the back of his neck and groaned in frustration.
No matter how perfect everything was, Burgess was always a faint hum in the background. He was like the ringing in Aiden’s ears some nights when he tried to sleep. It wasn’t noticeable until everything else was silent but it was there. Every Christmas Happy moment was tainted by a trace of Burgess. Aiden wanted to be able to exist solely for the feeling of Lane’s strong warm delicious haven body wrapped around his and blissful perfect pancakes without the scratch of Burgess at the back of his brain.