The Perfect Mess Read online

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  “What if I came over? It’s your turn to get caught the morning after,” she announced and Ben rolled his eyes.

  “Not going to happen. I never do it on the first date and I never let them sleep over,” he said and Michelle pursed her lips before another huge smile filled her face.

  “We’ll see. From what Jason told me, I’d be surprised if you two can keep your hands off of each other.” With that, she slammed the door and Ben’s brows pulled together as he stared at the panels.

  His twin sister could be an airhead now and then but she had a way of reading people and could sense when something was about to happen. And she knew Ben better than anyone else. Ben shook his head, dismissing a whiff of nervousness. He’d managed to stay relaxed and kept a “just go with it” attitude while getting ready. Getting anxious and sweaty just as he was about to meet Landon was not what he needed. Especially in a slim-fit powder blue shirt. It would cling to him and the sweat stains would be noticeable from a mile away.

  “Calm down, you’re just going out for a few drinks. You saw a picture of him. He’s really cute but it’s not like you’re meeting a Hemsworth,” he mumbled to himself as he pushed the button for the elevator.

  Chapter 4

  Nervous would have been a colossal understatement. Landon took a deep breath before he pushed open the bar door. He stepped in and let his eyes adjust to the lower light. It had been months since he’d visited the bar but its laid back Art Deco decor was just as he remembered and it was comfortably busy for a Friday night. His body fizzed nervously as his eyes swept around the room. For the tenth time he kicked himself for not asking Jason for a description or a photo before he left. He nodded at a waitress as he made his way to the bar and scanned the single men around the room. A tall, well dressed black man turned as Landon reached the bar and smiled. He might have been the most beautiful man Landon had ever seen.

  “Landon?” He asked as he offered his hand. Landon was glad that his eyes only flared slightly as he reached for his hand. Landon was immediately drawn to his smile as he drew closer.

  “Ben?” He asked as his eyes drifted over smooth brown skin, strong cheek and jaw bones, velvety warm brown eyes and full lips. Ben nodded as his eyes searched Landon’s.

  “Jason didn’t tell you I was black?” He asked and Landon shook his head and smiled as he leaned on the bar next to Ben.

  “No, he didn’t. Or that you’re gorgeous,” he said as he offered a bashful grin and Ben relaxed. Landon felt a ripple of relief as well. He had been surprised but not unpleasantly so. Despite finding plenty of black men attractive, Landon had never actually dated one. He wasn’t sure why. He shrugged inwardly and told himself it was because the opportunity had never presented itself. I’m definitely not a racist, he reassured himself. Landon let his eyes wander over Ben’s body as he turned to get the bartender’s attention. He could tell that Ben was in excellent shape. His grey trousers hugged his ass and Landon couldn’t help but bite his lip as he pictured the tight round globes beneath. The bartender nodded as he opened a beer for another customer and Ben turned back to Landon and smiled.

  “Jason showed me a picture but it really didn’t do you any justice,” he admitted as he stepped closer and Landon felt his body tighten and the room became warmer as Ben’s scent wreathed around him.

  “Thanks,” Landon murmured as his eyes hovered over Ben’s lips. God, they were luscious. Ben licked them and Landon had to clench his jaw to keep from groaning. “I don’t know which one he would have shown you, but for some reason, I want to kick his ass,” he said as he tried to keep his brain from cutting out. Ben’s lips tilted into a grin.

  “It was some frat event. You were wearing a tux and a cowboy hat,” he said and this time, Landon did groan.

  “The A Million Ways To Dine fundraiser. That was like ten years ago,” Landon complained as the bartender approached. He shook his head in despair as he recalled how drunk he looked in that photo before he turned to the bartender. “Can I get whiskey on the rocks? Do you have Bulleit?” He asked and the bartender nodded then looked at Ben.

  “Make that two,” he said before he smiled at Landon.

  “Jason said the night didn’t end well for either of you,” he said and Landon cringed and shook his head.

  “There was a mechanical bull and I might have covered it in vomit,” he explained and Ben laughed.

  “Did you last more than a few seconds?” He asked and Landon nodded as he stepped closer to Ben.

  “I think I lasted for at least an hour,” he winked cockily. “But I did’t ride the bull,” Landon said softly and Ben licked his lips and shook his head.

  “Jason didn’t mention that you were such a flirt,” he said and Landon felt a rush of heat when he noticed a hint of pink in Ben’s cheeks.

  “I’m not usually much of a flirt,” he said and Ben raised a brow. Landon winced as his eyes met Ben’s. “I can’t seem to help myself tonight,” Landon admitted and Ben hummed as his eyes fell to Landon’s lips. Ben stared for several seconds before he blinked rapidly and offered Landon a sheepish grin then looked around the bar.

  “I’ve always wanted to check this place out. It’s nice,” he said before he looked back at Landon. “Do you come here often?” Ben asked and Landon shook his head.

  “No. Maybe once every few months. I like that it’s relaxed and I always tell myself I’ll stop by more when I’m here,” he admitted and Ben laughed softly.

  “Yeah, I’m way more into being out and socializing until I get home, then you practically have to drag me out of the house.” Ben’s eyes drifted back to Landon’s lips and Landon swayed closer. He felt like he was being pulled toward Ben’s lips. Landon realized he’d been staring and that Ben was probably waiting for him to say something. Landon begged his brain to work.

  “So, you have a sister?” He asked and Ben nodded.

  “Michelle. We’re twins,” he said and Landon hummed thoughtfully.

  “No wonder Jason’s in love,” he mumbled and Ben’s brows rose.

  “Oh?” He asked as he shifted closer. Landon hoped he wasn’t blushing.

  “If she looks like you, I don’t think I can blame him,” Landon stated and Ben’s lips pursed and his eyes flicked to the ceiling as he considered.

  “She’s about half my size and probably has a nicer ass,” he said and Landon shook his head as he laughed.

  “I find that very hard to believe,” he said and Ben’s gaze fell to Landon’s lips again.

  For a moment, Landon was sure Ben was going to kiss him and he tilted his head forward as he held his breath. There was a soft clink on the counter and Landon had to blink several times to get his eyes to focus. He pulled them away from Ben’s lips and the bartender gestured at their drinks.

  “Want to get a table?” Ben asked. His voice had gone deep and smokey and Landon nodded as he reached for their glasses and handed one to Ben.

  “Definitely,” he said then waved toward the booths across the room. Ben turned and Landon’s eyes fell to Ben’s ass as he followed and he wondered if it was too soon to offer his face as a seat. Jesus, slow down! He scolded as they reached the table. Ben picked the booth in the corner, the light was lower and there was less traffic. Landon watched as Ben sat then quickly scooted onto the bench next to him before he had a chance to overthink it. “I hope you don’t mind,” he said as he stretched his arm along the back of the seat behind Ben’s shoulders. Ben smiled as he shook his head.

  “Not at all,” Ben murmured as he turned sideways so he could face Landon. “I hate when you have to talk loud or strain to hear someone and this place looks like it could get really busy later,” he replied and Landon smiled as he raised his glass and sipped. He swallowed and took a deep breath and Ben’s soft scent made Landon dizzy. He smelled rich and warm, like sandalwood, vanilla and fabric softener. Landon leaned closer and inhaled again.

  “You smell incredible, I can’t get enough of it,” he admitt
ed and Ben choked on his drink. Landon scrubbed his hand over his eyes and swore under his breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m coming on so strong. I’m nervous and out of practice. And I wasn’t prepared for you to be so…” His voice died when Ben’s hand wrapped around his thigh. “Hot,” Landon whispered hoarsely as heat washed over him. Ben chuckled as his head tilted forward.

  “I like it.” Ben’s breath was warm and a sweet blend of whiskey and mint against Landon’s lips. “I’m a lot more nervous than I expected too,” he admitted and the heat spilled lower and pooled in Landon’s groin. Landon’s heart beat hard against his ribs and his eyes felt heavy as his lips tingled. It was taking every ounce of strength he had not to press them against Ben’s. He swallowed past the knot in his throat then coughed softly to clear it.

  “Could we maybe…” Landon licked his lips and Ben’s parted. “I think it would be a lot easier for me to concentrate if we got the first one over with,” he murmured.

  “The first what?” Ben asked quietly as his hand tightened around Landon’s thigh.

  “Kiss,” Landon breathed and Ben’s head nodded faintly as it lowered.

  The first brush of their lips was gentle and tentative. Landon gasped as the lush softness and warmth of Ben’s lips sent a ripple of giddiness through him. Ben exhaled and Landon could taste it. He moaned as he angled his head and pressed his lips firmly against Ben’s as his tongue slid into the sweetness of Ben’s mouth. Their tongues probed and swirled slowly as a heavy current of lust slid through Landon’s veins, making his body harder and hotter. Ben’s other hand glided around Landon’s side and splayed against his back, pulling him closer and Landon gripped the edge of the table and the back of the seat to stop himself from climbing onto Ben’s lap. Landon raised his head and pulled in a deep breath.

  “Ok,” he panted and shook his head, trying to clear the fog of lust. “So, did you grow up in the city?” Landon asked and Ben laughed as he reached for his drink.

  “Yeah. Jason said you did too and that you’re an artist,” he offered before he took a drink. Landon waved as he raised his.

  “I’m an illustrator, it’s not that sexy,” he said before he took a sip and Ben’s eyes twinkled as they met Landon’s.

  “That’s still pretty cool and you don’t need the help,” he said and Landon grinned.

  “You think I’m sexy?” He asked and Ben gave him a dry look.

  “You fishing for compliments?” He took another drink and Landon shrugged before he looked around for a waitress.

  “Maybe,” he mumbled. He used to think he was really good looking but as he got older and had to put more effort into keeping in shape and grooming, he started to feel more and more average. Ben’s hand slid around his jaw and Landon’s eyes were wide as he looked at Ben.

  “You’re unbelievably sexy, Landon. I’ve already broken about a dozen of my dating rules and I have a feeling I’m going to break them all tonight,” he whispered and Landon’s mouth went dry.

  “Oh?” He squeaked and Ben nodded.

  “Yeah. I can tell you don’t get how sexy you are and I think that’s half the reason I can’t keep my hands off of you,” he admitted and Landon was glad he was sitting down.

  “That’s really good,” Landon said as the waitress picked the worst time to show up. “Two more,” he said without looking at her. “What do you do?” he asked and Ben licked his lips and took a deep breath. Landon forced his gaze to Ben’s eyes.

  “I’m a musician. I play the guitar.” It looked like it was requiring some effort and Landon was glad that he wasn’t the only one having a hard time focusing.

  “Are you in a band?” He asked and Ben shook his head.

  “No, I’m a studio musician. It’s not that sexy,” he said and Landon rolled his eyes.

  “You could drive a Zamboni and it would be sexy,” Landon argued and Ben laughed softly. “What do you mean by studio musician?” He asked.

  “I work for a record label and whenever an artists needs a guitarist for recording, they get me,” he explained and Landon nodded in understanding.

  “You don’t want to be in a band?” He asked and Ben shook his head.

  “Nah. I don’t enjoy touring and I prefer having a steady paycheck,” he said and Landon nodded again.

  “That’s not too different from what I do. I like working for different authors and companies instead of trying to make and sell my own work. The dry spells were too stressful and there’s always plenty of work now that I’ve got a solid reputation,” he said and Ben grinned.

  “Exactly. I don’t have to keep writing new music or work on promoting and keeping steady gigs. And I have a lot more free time than I would if I was tied to a band,” he added and Landon smiled up at the waitress as she set their drinks down.

  “What kind of music do you play?” He asked and Ben raised a shoulder.

  “Anything. Everything,” he said and Landon’s head pulled back in surprise.

  “Really? What did you start with?” He became distracted when Ben’s lips tilted mischievously.

  “I started with classical violin. I studied at Juilliard and broke my mom’s heart after I graduated by switching to guitar and not getting a job with a major orchestra.” He offered a grimace and Landon laughed.

  “My parents were relieved when I actually found a way to make a decent living after ignoring their pleas and studied art,” he said. “They begged me to at least minor in business but I stuck to my guns,” Landon said and Ben raised his glass in salute.

  “Here’s to following your passion but doing so sensibly,” he said and winked. Landon raised his glass before taking a drink.

  “May we always follow our dreams with minimal risk of financial instability or failure,” he stated and Ben raised his glass again before he drained it.

  Landon finished his then nodded at the waitress’ glance as she drifted past their table. He ignored the little voice in his brain telling him they were drinking a little too fast. He had a good idea what Ben meant about breaking all the rules and despite a tickle of concern that things could get complicated, Landon was looking forward to getting into trouble with Ben.

  Chapter 5


  Help! He’s ridiculously hot and we’re drinking a lot. I’m 100% sure that some bad decisions are going to be made tonight.


  Don’t drink so much that you can’t remember every detail when you tell me about it tomorrow.


  I don’t think I’ll be available tomorrow. I’ll either be too hungover or busy.


  Be careful. Just because he’s Jason’s friend doesn’t mean he isn’t a creep.


  He’s kind of perfect.

  Ben sighed as he pushed his phone back into his pocket. Then, he rolled his eyes and mentally kicked himself for sighing. He looked in the direction of the bathroom then forced his eyes toward the bar, not wanting to get caught looking impatient. A guy in a bad linen suit smiled and raised his drink at Ben in invitation. Ben raised a brow and shook his head slightly.

  Are you kidding? Did you see him? He silently replied and the man deflated and stared sullenly into his drink. Ben felt a little bad for him. He was either really drunk or delusional if he thought someone was going to choose a hot mess like him over Landon. He sighed again and threw his hands up. Stop doing that! You sound like a girl, he thought as he casually glanced in the direction of the bathrooms. The door opened and Landon walked out. Instead of panicking because he’d got caught looking, Ben felt his lips curve into what had to be a goofy grin as Landon smiled at him.

  Carefully pinch yourself, he instructed. Ben’s hand slid along his thigh and he pinched the underside of his leg. He jumped and his eyes watered. Landon was still slowly making his way toward him. Ben shook his head softly as he sipped his drink.

  Landon was perfect. After throwing in the towel a
nd deciding he was taking a break from dating, Jason practically handed Ben his perfect man. Once they got over their nerves and calmed down after that incredible kiss, the conversation flowed for almost two hours without a lull. Landon was intelligent, funny, kind, mature and had impeccable manners. He was willing to discuss anything, Ben felt like Landon was an open book. And he was a great listener. He had a way of looking at a person that made them feel like no one else was in the room and Landon didn’t miss a thing. Before he excused himself to go to the restroom he placed his hand on Ben’s shoulder and his eyes searched Ben’s face as if he was trying to memorize it.

  “Hold that thought until I get back. You have to tell me if you and your sister ever got to meet the grandfather you’re named after,” he said and Ben lost his breath. He’d barely mentioned Grandpa Bennet and he couldn’t remember why.

  The rest of the story about his grandfather would have to wait, Ben decided as Landon slid into the seat next to him. The bar was suddenly too noisy and too crowded and his No Sex On The First Date rule was definitely getting broken. Ben wasn’t sure how he’d managed to maintain a normal conversation for so long but he was done forcing his gaze to stay locked on Landon’s pale grey eyes when they wanted to wander all over him, from the soft golden waves he kept brushing out of his eyes to his chiseled face and down his body. Ben felt like he was going to lose his mind if he couldn’t get Landon naked soon. Everything Ben touched was hard beneath Landon’s clothes and heat poured off of his body. Landon wasn’t as tall as Ben but he was the first guy Ben had been attracted to that he didn’t have to stoop down to look in the eye. Or kiss.

  “Hey. I live just a few blocks away,” Ben said as he leaned close. He inhaled and let Landon’s scent fill him. He even smelled perfect. Landon’s eyes widened.