All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday Page 2
“You’re all taking this to such a ridiculous extreme!” He begged as he raised his hands pleadingly.
“Extreme?” Toly held up his right hand. The skin was still pink and looked tender from the wires in his hand melting after he was shocked. Lavender shook his head.
“You’re under house arrest until Toly’s forgiven you and feels confident that he can keep you corralled,” he said as Paul nodded in agreement and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’m sorry but we’re going to have to earn their trust back and make it up to them,” he said.
“This is...bloody wonderful,” Reginald said as he sank onto the couch and his arms hung limply between his knees. “I got us all the best insurance policy in the business and this is the thanks I get. And I can’t do anything to fix it,” he added and his lip pushed out as he wilted. Lavender felt a whiff of pity then snorted.
“You’re lucky we didn’t let Toly light you up. I’ve got to go wake Lane so he can break it to Aiden. Get packed everyone, we leave for Blackhurst in an hour,” he said then swept from the living room so he could call Lane.
Chapter 2
“I don’t want to go. I haven’t said a thing to anyone about Blink or Blackhurst,” Aiden grumbled. He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest petulantly and Lane knew it was going to be a long trip.
“Please. We can’t stay on the runway. Toly’s already on board and the faster we all get in the air, the less risk of us being seen,” Lane explained and Aiden nodded.
“You should get on the plane, then. I’ve decided to opt out.”
“Opt out?” Lavender asked loudly as he bent so he could see into the back of Wilder’s Suburban.
“Yes. I have decided to stay here. I want nothing to do with this and am choosing to abstain,” Aiden stated slowly and clearly then offered them a nod.
“We have to go! We can’t hang out here for much longer,” Paul yelled from the jet’s door.
“We’re working on it,” Lavender replied firmly.
“Did you tell him it’s dangerous for us...” Paul started but Lavender swung back and gave him a hard look.
“Thank you, Sloan.”
“I have to go. I can’t stay and there won’t be anyone left to look out for you,” Lane said gently and Aiden shrugged but he sniffled hard as he looked out the other window.
“I don’t like Blink and I’m not going back to Rhode Island. He can’t make me. I don’t work for him,” he replied. “Just go. I’ll get a taxi to The Langham and wait there until you get back.” He was sulking but Lane was shocked that Aiden was able to entertain the thought.
“That could be really dangerous. Whoever’s after us and Blink likes snipers and there’s a reason he wants to see you.”
“He didn’t make Ezra go,” Aiden muttered. Lavender groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“He’s never worked for Blink or visited Blackhurst,” he sighed then waved at the jet. “That didn’t stop him from hopping on board and being a good little soldier, did it?” He asked sweetly. “Ezra’s chosen to support Denver and his friends.”
“Ezra’s still new,” Aiden countered. Lane grabbed Lavender’s arm when he reached into the truck and swiped at Aiden’s sleeve so he could drag him out.
“Would you just...!” Lavender hissed and Lane shushed him.
“I’ve got this. Get in the jet.” He raised his brows at Lavender and it took a minute but he eventually turned on his heel and stalked to the jet.
“You have five minutes,” he called as he grabbed the rails and bounded up the steps before he dove through the door.
“You’re going to say something to make me feel guilty but it’s not going to work,” Aiden said. Lane hummed and braced his hands on his knees.
“I won’t bring up all the times he’s saved my life but I’ll always owe him because he saved yours. Not a single person on that jet would hesitate if you were in trouble,” he said and Aiden rolled his eyes.
“I know that and it’s not about them. It’s Blink and Rhode Island. There are ghosts and I’ll have to wear suits but it’s mostly Blink,” he complained. Lane smiled wolfishly as he leaned inside.
“I was looking forward to the suits. I still get hard when I think about Mr. Dinner Party,” he murmured and stretched so he could kiss Aiden’s cheek. His lips curved and he allowed it.
“I did not enjoy the hangover but it was one of my best performances.”
“Downstairs or in the bedroom?” Lane whispered in his ear. “Be a good friend and come with us. I’d miss you and Mr. Dinner Party.”
“Fine,” Aiden said with a hard sigh and kissed him. “We’d better have a lot of sex because the rest of this is going to suck,” he predicted as he got out. Lane squeezed an eye shut then closed the door and saluted the gentleman waiting to park Wilder’s Suburban.
“Hallelujah,” Lavender said when Aiden stuck his head inside the jet. Lane gave Aiden a shove and smiled at their attendant. He was one of Blink’s men so they’d have to watch what they said around him. They were taxiing down the runway as soon as Aiden’s ass hit a seat and in the air a few minutes later.
“Now that we have time and we’re all together, Reginald can explain, in detail,” Lavender requested as he rose and paced down the cabin so he could command everyone’s attention and act as referee, Lane suspected. There were some hard feelings on that jet, to say the least. Lane winced at Toly and Ezra. They were particularly furious with Reginald.
“I would be happy to oblige, if I could just borrow a laptop...” Reginald said as he pushed off the arms of his chair.
“Absolutely not,” Toly ground out. “I can see what you’ve done now and I will handle the slideshow portion of the presentation.”
“Very well,” Reginald replied then cleared his throat. “As Mr. Blink said, he came to me several months ago with a very important project. He wanted a complete overhaul of Blackhurst’s security and he wanted it treated as if every aspect was highly classified.”
“Why didn’t he turn to Alon? He’s a security expert,” Lavender argued.
“That’s right. It’s Mossad’s specialty,” Lane agreed and Reginald nodded.
“It is and that’s why Alon suggested Mr. Blink compartmentalize the different arms of his security structure. He didn’t want any one man or entity to have that much insight into Blackhurst. It would be catastrophic for Blink if Alon was targeted and taken, if he was the sole architect of the estate’s security,” he explained. Lavender nodded and hummed but it was deep and foreboding.
“So, you contracted those jobs out to your friends without telling them who they were working for,” he summarized and Reginald squeezed an eye shut and held up a finger.
“No one was supposed to know for a reason. Denver would be in danger if it was known that he designed the perimeter. And there was less risk to him if he didn’t know who he was building it for,” he explained and Ezra snorted hard.
“He can’t give up anything during an interrogation, is what you mean,” he said tightly but Reginald shook his head.
“No. I think we all know Denver isn’t going to give up a fucking thing, whether he wants to or not,” he replied. “I was only thinking of Denver’s safety. Mr. Blink protects the people who keep his secrets, whether they know it or not. Don’t be fooled, Mr. Blink’s furious and sweating. He doesn’t like that he’s been caught off guard and that something’s struck this close to home. If there’s anything Blink can’t abide, it’s not knowing everything and not being ten steps ahead of everyone. He doesn’t like to operate if he can’t see what’s around the corner,” Reginald continued.
“I was told to design a state-of-the-art and seamless, fully integrated security system for a large state compound with extensive subterranean facilities,” Toly said as a screen came down at the front of the cabin.
“Yes. Well...” Reginald cringed and rolled a hand. “Blackhurst is the sort of place a head of state might reside and it’s a
s large as a federal building. I couldn’t tell you to design a system for a fat-ass mansion with massive underground bays and bunkers. You’d know who it was for.”
“And I would have said no,” Toly pointed out but Reginald shook his head.
“I would have been unbearable until I got my way. This was faster. Listen, Toly, you’re as close to untouchable as a person can be, now that you work for him,” he said but stopped when Toly held up his scarred hand again. Reginald winced then tapped his nose.
“Of the three of us, I came the closest to dying. I don’t think they wanted you or Denver dead. They have snipers.” He said and waved around them urgently. “Don’t you see? There are very few beings in this world more powerful or feared than Mr. Blink. Everyone on this jet should have been safe from anything save Russia, the Saudis or the CIA because I’ve pulled us all under Blink’s umbrella. This would have been foolproof and we all would have been safe if the impossible hadn’t happened. Nothing about this makes sense because who in their right mind would go after Cyril Blink?” He said loudly. He looked around for some agreement but they just blinked and waited for him to continue. “You weren’t complaining about all those little windfalls,” he murmured as he checked his nails. Lane immediately thought of the $52,000 check he got from the insurance company for the Corvette. It was out-of-the-blue and didn’t make sense but the lawyer from the company insisted there was a clause for “rehabilitation benefits,” which didn’t make sense either but who argues with insurance companies when they want to give you money?
“Goddamn it,” Lane said as he rubbed his temple. “Can you imagine if this came out before I announced my retirement? Good thing I wasn’t going into politics.”
“That profile screening rubric and the evaluation standards?” Aiden asked and Reginald nodded.
“Alon’s used them to refine his hiring process and determine who gets promoted or selected for sensitive tasks.”
“I hate you,” Aiden muttered.
“Nonsense. Wait until you see what I have planned for us!” Reginald winked jauntily then gestured at the screen as the specs for a large SUV with armor-plated floors, doors and bulletproof windows appeared.
“Wilder considered working for Blink when approached by Bravo Link but turned them down. But I did sell them one of his designs for The Robin’s Nests’ next generation of up-armored vehicles. Wilder’s also street tested several iterations of body armor and helped locate dangerous individuals in Chicago under the guise of providing intel on gang activity.”
“Chido!” Wilder said sarcastically.
“No one was immune. He’s even compromised my mom. He funded her campaign,” Paul told them as he reclined and stretched his arm along the back of the sofa.
“Senate?” Lavender asked and his brows pulled together but Paul shook his head.
“Town councilwoman.”
“Why?” Lane asked in confusion but Paul held up a hand.
“He believes she’ll be good for the community,” Reginald said dismissively. “With the exception of Mrs. Holderson and Dr. Gabriel, we’ve all worked for Mr. Blink or had a hand in designing Blackhurst’s security,” Reginald summarized. Sage was reading a book in the corner and lowered it so he could glare at Reginald.
“How much of my art have you sold to him?”
“How much of it do you actually consider art?” Reginald shot back but Sage didn’t take his bait and went back to reading.
“Cunt,” Sage said under his breath.
“On his best day,” Paul replied. Reginald pretended to be wounded as he fell onto the sofa next to him.
“Our combined knowledge of the workings of Blackhurst and Blink’s network and history will come in handy because it would appear that someone wants to break in or kill him. Since his survival is in our best interest, we should see what we can do to get to the bottom of this and neutralize any threat against him.”
“We don’t have a choice now, do we?” Aiden said. Lane sat in the chair next to his and shook his head as he gave Aiden’s hand a squeeze.
“No but we’re going to make the best of it and see if we can have a little fun.”
Chapter 3
“Are you sure you don’t want me to hang out?” Farris asked but Cyril shook his head.
“They’re going to be insufferable. You’re better off hiding in the vault until it’s time to dress for dinner. I’d hide with you but I should welcome them and make sure they’re settled.”
“If you’re sure...” Farris said and frowned as Casper appeared at the top of the stairs then stomped down the steps.
“Did you tell him?” Casper growled. Cyril cleared his throat and gave his head a quick shake.
“It can wait,” he said and turned back to Farris. “You should make your escape now, or it’ll be too late. The gate says they are imminent,” he said and smiled innocently at Farris.
“Tell me what?” Farris asked but Cyril shooed him off.
“Nothing you need to worry about right now. Go enjoy what little peace you can find, while you still can.”
“What? That’s not making me worry less...” Farris complained.
“Is that them?” Cyril mused as he rose on his toes and craned his neck. “If you’d really like to help me welcome them, at my side, as is fitting for...”
“I’m out of here,” Farris declared with a nod to Casper before he ran for the elevator.
“That’s a shame. I like when he yells at you,” Casper murmured. “There they are. Want me to stand here and play lady of the manor for you?” He offered brightly. Cyril pretended Casper wasn’t there and admired the sixteen-foot tree in the foyer. It was covered in lights and the branches glittered with Swarovski crystal snow. The designer would be adding bows and ornaments soon but Cyril already liked it. He’d never decorated for Christmas at Blackhurst but was looking forward to celebrating with Farris. Cassie was coming for dinner on Christmas Eve and Cyril had something very special planned. He pressed his hand over his coat pocket and felt a flutter of impatience at the square-shaped lump. Cyril was often tempted but he knew Farris would want Cassie to be there.
“Rooms are ready and everything is running smoothly in the kitchen,” Alon announced and Cyril nodded. He wasn’t concerned about his house being in order. He was worried about the perfect order of his house being disrupted by twelve extra people, all poking and peeking and wandering where they shouldn’t.
“Remind Hector to let the dogs run after dark.”
“I’ll do that now,” Alon said as he raised his hand and whispered into his sleeve. Two limos crawled around the fountain before coming to a stop and Cyril’s pulse spiked. He braced himself and prayed their stay would be brief. His shoulders and neck tightened as doors were opened and the gentlemen of Lake Cliff climbed out and made their way up the house’s front steps and into the foyer.
“Welcome to Blackhurst,” Cyril announced and waited with his hands clasped behind his back so they wouldn’t see them tremble. Relax. They can’t hurt you and you can replace whatever they break, he repeated and bowed at Lavender. “I trust the journey was pleasant.”
“Almost as pleasant as staying home,” he replied with a wide, artificial smile.
“Quit whining, Lavender. I’ve made you a very rich man. You’ll come when I tell you to,” Cyril reminded him and Lavender humphed in agreement.
“For now. Let’s see what it is that you’ve done and if you still deserve my loyalty.”
“It’s the holidays, Lavender. Where’s your cheer and goodwill?” Cyril drawled.
“In Lake Cliff. You remember my husband, Sage.” Lavender gestured at the gorgeous man hovering at his right and Cyril nodded as he offered his hand.
“It’s an honor to welcome you to my home, Mr. Bradley,” Cyril said sincerely. Bradley was a decent artist but his other life work was his foundation, The Robin’s Nest. Bradley, with Mr. Lavender’s help, saved homeless LGBTQ teens from the streets, provided scholarships and work placement. Bradle
y saved orphans and Cyril respected the hell out of Lavender’s husband. Even if he was a pretty fucktoy. Cyril’s thoughts went to Farris as he welcomed the rest of his guests. He didn’t relish the thought of Mr. Lavender’s or Lord Marston’s snickering and their meddling. Plus, it was just generally intolerable for them to know about his personal affairs. “Please make yourself at home while you’re in Blackhurst. Enjoy the amenities while you’re here but limit your wandering to the inside of the house. Anything beyond the terrace is off limits unless you are with myself or Alon. And possibly Mr. Grim, with approval and close supervision. This is as much for your protection as it is for mine. The less you know about my business the better and there are snipers hunting us,” he told them then winced sheepishly. “Later, those of you who need a laboratory or a workshop will be shown to the vault where you can make yourselves at home. I’m going to break it to Professor Elliot while you’re being shown to your rooms and unpacking,” he confided with a bow and waved at Alon.
“Welcome to Blackhurst, gentlemen. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to notify me. I’ll show you to your rooms,” Alon said and Cyril stood back and watched with unease as the party in the foyer made its way up the stairs.
Chapter 4
“What happened to my blacklight?” Elliot asked as he looked around his desk. He lifted up a notebook before he spun. Reginald kept a straight face and his arms crossed over his chest but his finger extended and pointed at Toly. Elliot was livid and giving Blink absolute hell when Alon escorted them down to the vault earlier. The subterranean facility itself was elegant and mind boggling and reminded Reginald of the library at Oxford but it was the fireworks on “the platform” that had everyone riveted. Elliot was clearly in charge in the vault and relished every opportunity to remind Blink and share what he thought of his heavy-handedness. Blink was discreetly cowed and obsequious as he nearly begged under his breath and promised to make it up to Elliot. Reginald was delighted as Alon did his best to shield and distract them from the quiet battle happening at Elliot’s desk but it was fascinating. Eventually, Elliot conceded and agreed to be civil and was doing his damnedest to ignore the upheaval as Grim’s supplies were being delivered in black cases with padlocks and extra refrigerators were being installed.