All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday Page 3
“My apologies, professor,” Toly said as he pulled the blacklight out of his hoodie and handed it to Elliot.
“It’s fine,” Elliot said tightly as he reached for it. “And you can call me Farris,” he added, making Toly blush and duck his head.
“Thank you, Farris. I will do my best to leave your things alone. I can ask Mr. Blink to send more parts.”
“Tell me something, Farris...” Reginald started but Elliot shook his head.
“Not you. You can call me Elliot or Professor Elliot,” he said but he smiled as he inspected a Man Ray with his blacklight. “What did you want to know?” He frowned as he leaned to get a closer look and Reginald checked to make sure Alon or one of his footmen weren’t lurking.
“How’d you do it?” He whispered loudly and Elliot’s frown deepened but he was still more interested in the Man Ray.
“Do what?”
“Break Cyril Blink. As king of the fucktoys and a former sugar daddy slayer, I demand to see your work. Show your technique,” Reginald demanded playfully. Elliot rolled his eyes as he leaned so he could grab his magnifying glass and went back to the easel.
“First of all, I didn’t break Cyril. He’s learning about boundaries and how to compromise. Second, he’s a man with incredibly high expectations. He doesn’t fuck around with toys. That’s where you went wrong, before. You let a man think you’re a toy and he’ll play with you until he gets bored. I’m not a toy and I don’t play games. And the rest isn’t any of your business,” he said simply. Grim smirked as he took a Bunsen burner out of a box and arranged his things on the table with the ventilation hood.
“They fuck like it’s mating time at the zoo. The whole damn house can hear them.”
“At least we don’t break things or need stitches after we’re done,” Elliot muttered. A red rash crept up his neck and Grim snorted as he limped across the platform to him.
“Are you sure? I thought I spied something nasty under your collar at breakfast,” he said and tried to take a look but Elliot slapped his hand away.
“I knew I should have eaten down here by myself,” he replied and Grim’s face fell and he bit into his lip as he squirmed.
“I’m sorry...Farris. I wouldn’t want you to miss breakfast with everyone else on my account,” he mumbled, stunning everyone. It was wildly uncomfortable so Reginald waved it off.
“Whatever. Don’t be a baby and let us see it,” he said as he hopped off the stool he was perched on and Elliot nodded.
“Sure. Right after I slap the almighty fuck out of you. Don’t touch me. I have work to do.” He turned back to his easel and Reginald’s lip twisted as he went to peek at Toly’s station.
“Are you sure I can’t borrow a laptop or a...” He attempted but Toly shot him a hard look from across the table.
“No. You get nothing until after this is over and I can create some kind of parental lock to restrict you,” he threatened then demolished an older laptop Alon had provided with his bare hands and a tiny tool Reginald couldn’t get a closer look at. Reginald winced as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers.
“You know, you’re just making it even more necessary for me to redeem myself,” he noted but Toly shook his head and glared as he pointed.
“No! Do you know how you redeem yourself?” He asked angrily so Reginald bit down on his tongue and shook his head. “You behave. Let us focus on the mess in front of us then reassess whether or not we’re ready to trust you again. Stop...doing this!” He said as he flailed his hands at Reginald. “Stop making so much...chaos! Some of us just want to live in peace!” He nearly screamed then pushed out a long, slow breath as if he was meditating. Reginald groaned as he set his forearms on the table and leaned.
“I understand and I promise, I never intended for this to happen. I’m not going to lie to you and say I’m done with chaos but from now on, I’m your chaos shield. I’m going to make that my other priority and no one’s ever going to disrupt your peace again,” he vowed and Grim laughed as Toly shook his head quickly.
“No! Just behave!” Toly said then swore as he backed away from the table and twisted his fingers in his hair. Reginald made a soothing sound as he held up his hands.
“It’s going to be great. Don’t worry!” He insisted but Toly whimpered Lavender’s name before he took off running. “It’ll be great!” Reginald called after him. Elliot and Grim were insensate as Toly hit the button for the elevator.
“Hey, professor,” said a handsome young Hispanic man who was nervously hugging a large binder against his chest.
“What’s up? Everyone, this is my assistant and future replacement, Matteo,” Elliot announced absently as he went back to work but the young man paled.
“Maybe. If Mr. Blink doesn’t kill me.”
“What?” Elliot asked as he set everything down and turned to Matteo. “Whatever it is, don’t worry, I’ll handle Cyril,” he promised. Matteo’s lips pulled tight and he shook his head.
“It’s not a vault thing. I stopped at the library after class,” he said and gestured at the stack of books on one of the platform steps. “I was just leaving and this really hot guy stopped me and asked if he could get me a coffee from the truck outside. I told him I only had a few minutes but he was really hot and I thought I’d at least get his number before I had to run. I thought he was cool and I let him walk with me across campus until he gave me the creeps.”
“The creeps?” Elliot asked in concern but Matteo waved it off.
“Not like in a rapey, stalker way. He asked about what I did and I told him I was a research assistant. Everything was cool until he asked if I liked working in a big mansion but I never told him where I worked so I said I was going to be late and literally started running. I don’t think he followed me to my car but I felt like I was being followed the whole way home. I swear, I’ve never said a thing about where I work. My grandfather made me promise!” Matteo insisted and Elliot calmed him.
“Stop it. You didn’t do anything wrong but you need to tell Alon and Cyril everything.”
“No!” Matteo cried as he grabbed Elliot’s sleeve. “Can’t you tell them?” He begged but Elliot shushed loudly.
“You didn’t do anything wrong! I think you did something good, actually,” he said and Matteo relaxed.
“Really. But we need to go and tell them now. Paul’s in charge until we get back,” Elliot announced as he leaned so he could see the seating area beyond the platform. Paul was in one of the leather armchairs with a newspaper.
“Got it,” Paul said as he folded it and stood and Reginald scowled as he dropped onto his stool and pouted.
“I guess that redemption’s going to have to wait.”
Chapter 5
“You did an excellent job, Matteo,” Cyril said and Alon nodded in agreement.
“Really?” The younger man laughed in relief.
“I told you,” Farris said from his seat on the sofa’s armrest. Cyril hummed as he tapped the ash off his cigar. He rarely smoked in the afternoon unless he was turning over a difficult problem and his house was now full of them.
“Tell us everything you can remember about him,” Cyril requested and Alon had his tiny notebook ready. Matteo nodded quickly and his cheeks puffed.
“I can do that.” He shut his eyes as he took a moment and Cyril was impressed. Farris chose his assistant well and was training him to pay close attention to detail. “He was tall and built. Tight polo and really tight around the sleeves.” His lips curved as he mentally appreciated other features so Farris gave him a firm nudge. “Right. Tight jeans and nice thighs. He was Puerto Rican and had a dimple in his left cheek and he was wearing thick framed glasses. He had an accent, like he’s from New York, and really big brown eyes with thick lashes. I was going to take his name and be the stay-at-home dad,” he added with a heavy sigh and Farris snorted.
“I’ve got better plans for you,” he said and Cyril nodded.
“Let’s get a few digs and papers on your resume before you start filling the nursery,” he agreed distantly. “Did you notice anything else?”
“No. I was kind of distracted until he mentioned the mansion and then I took off,” Matteo admitted apologetically but Cyril held up a hand.
“You reacted appropriately. I’d like you to stay here until this blows over, if possible and I’d like to assign a detail to follow you when you leave Blackhurst,” he said so he’d understand that it wasn’t a request.
“Sure...” Matteo looked to Farris for reassurance and he winked back at him.
“You can crash in my old suite. It’s huge,” he said and Matteo’s eyes lit up.
“That’ll work. I’ll see if I can get my professors to allow me to attend classes from here,” he mused and Cyril looked to Alon.
“I’ll take care of it,” he said and Cyril smiled at Matteo as he stood.
“I think that’ll be all, unless you can think of anything else we should know.”
“No!” Matteo said.
“You can go, then. Thank you, Matteo. A word, professor,” Cyril said then gestured for Alon to leave them as he went to Farris. He watched until Matteo and Alon were gone and they were alone so he could tip Farris’s chin back and kiss him. “Thank you for being so graceful about the vault.”
“I wasn’t but it’s nice of you to pretend,” Farris chuckled as he kissed him back. “I won’t be responsible for late work or anything that’s damaged and you’re paying for whatever they break. So, it’s no skin off my ass at the end of the day. I’m not going to be able to focus but I plan to take all of that out on you,” he stated cheerfully then smoothed Cyril’s tie before he jumped to his feet. “Good luck with whichever nemesis you’re plotting against. I’ve got a Caravaggio to restore and a Guan mallet vase is being delivered this evening.”
“I wish I could hover and watch you work but I think someone’s trying to kill me,” Cyril murmured to himself as Farris left.
“They might be trying to steal something from you,” Alon offered but it didn’t comfort Cyril.
“Over my dead body, so it’s really just the same,” he argued. Cyril didn’t surrender his possessions, once something was his. He hoarded treasures like a dragon and only sold or gifted his possessions when it pleased him. He spent his entire life building Blackhurst into a fortress and his own Shangri-La. “What do you think?”
“Military or former military. Probably Special Forces or former. They’ve always been weak at recruiting collectors,” Alon replied.
“Always more of a hammer than a scalpel,” Cyril murmured as he went back to his desk and his cigar. “Let me know if anything turns up in the school’s security footage.”
“Very good, sir.” Alon left and Cyril turned his chair so he could watch the snow falling. It would cover the lawn in a blanket of pure white and he’d be reassured every time he looked out the window by the lack of footprints. He couldn’t have his guests out there, trampling and turning the lawn to mud. He’d never see them coming. Cyril’s mind turned to the puzzle and he wondered what could have come into Blackhurst that would warrant all this. Someone was willing to risk more than everything to take something from him.
“Over my dead body.”
Chapter 6
“Oh, my God.” Lane stood as Aiden stepped out of the bathroom in a fitted shirt, bow tie, exquisitely tailored trousers and dress shoes. Aiden gave him a disgruntled look as he reached for his coat and it just made things worse for the front of Lane’s trousers.
“We better have a lot of sex later. This has been terrible so far and I hate this suit. I don’t know why I let Lavender pick this,” he grumbled as he gave his shoulders a shrug and tugged at the lapels of his coat before buttoning it. Lane bit into his knuckle and swallowed a whimper. For someone who loathed wearing suits, Aiden looked like pure sex in good tailoring.
“We are definitely having sex later. Not too much later, I hope,” Lane murmured as he enjoyed Aiden’s ass as he bent to wipe a spot of lint off his thigh.
“That reminds me!” Aiden pointed as he turned. “We need an exit strategy, like last time,” he said and Lane nodded in agreement as he went to him.
“I’ll say I’ve got a headache and we’ve had a long day,” he murmured as he ran his hands down Aiden’s chest and pecked at his lips.
“We have had a long day,” Aiden agreed as he traced the waist of Lane’s trousers.
“And I’m pretty sure I’ll have a headache after dinner with this crowd,” he said and Aiden’s eyes widened.
“What if we said we were too tired to go down and told Blink you were sick?” He asked excitedly but Lane shook his head.
“We have to go down and stay through dinner and at least the start of post dinner drinks,” he scolded and stopped Aiden when he started to argue. “We’ve got better manners than that and I’d like to see what I can learn. I’m tired of getting blindsided,” he said and Aiden sighed.
“I guess. At least I don’t have to eat anything stupid,” he muttered then tossed his head at the door. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Thank you,” Lane said sincerely as he ran to get the door. He took another moment to enjoy Aiden’s ass as he passed then shut the door behind them. Lane offered Aiden his arm and his chest felt too tight; he was so damned proud and so damned in love. He was married to the sexiest and the smartest man in Blackhurst and that was saying a hell of a lot. Lane was secretly excited to show Aiden off. He’s going to make me laugh until my side hurts too, he predicted and Lane was beaming as they made their way down the stairs and turned into Blink’s study.
“Gentlemen,” Blink said and gestured at the decanters as Alon waited to prepare their drinks. Lavender winked at Aiden but he ignored him and headed straight for the footman holding a plate of cucumber slices for Reginald’s gin and tonics.
“Thank you,” Aiden said as he took the plate and a Sprite from Alon and went to sit in the corner. “This is the only good thing about this place.” He lowered onto the sofa next to Sage and shoved a cucumber slice in his mouth and chewed petulantly. Lane itched the end of his nose so nobody would catch him smirking as he went to get a drink.
“I’ll have a scotch, please,” Lane told Alon then nodded at Lavender as he joined him.
“How’s he doing?” He asked and gestured at Aiden.
“Better than before. He handled his time in the chair with Alon pretty well,” Lane said and thanked Alon when he passed him the scotch and took a sip. “This is one of my favorite things about being here,” he told Lavender as he waved his tumbler at Alon.
“Just a formality and to see if Aiden was approached. Blink does have an excellent distillery,” Lavender replied and Lane’s brows jumped as he held his glass up to the light as they wandered away from the bar.
“Mmmm... He rescued one in Scotland and keeps most of the stock for Blackhurst,” Lavender said.
“Makes sense, the way he goes through it,” Lane noted and looked at Aiden just as his glance swung to the door and all the cucumber slices slid off his plate. Lane turned and was startled as Hawk and Grim wandered in. Hawk looked sharp in a grey three-piece suit but it was Grim that had jaws hanging. He was wearing all black but he’d paired tight-fitting tuxedo trousers with a leather coat with tails and a tall velvet vest. He’d skipped a tie, the collar of his shirt was undone and flipped, up and his hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail.
“I was not expecting him to clean up that well,” Lane confided to Lavender.
“I did suspect that he might. He’s rather fit and carries himself with more confidence now that he’s not dragging that mangled leg around,” he noted and Lane nodded and they smiled as a footman arrived with a fresh plate of cucumber slices for Aiden.
“Hawk’s been good for him,” Lane said. Lavender hummed as they watched Hawk and Grim, chatting with Alon about their drinks.
“They make a striking couple and I’m plea
santly surprised at how well that’s worked out. I was rather worried about Hawk and didn’t think he’d last very long,” Lavender admitted then grinned conspiratorially as he leaned close. “I do admire the cut of Hawk’s coat. He clearly has a very good tailor despite the fact that I’ve never seen him in pants without cargo pockets and snaps.”
“You should ask him,” Lane suggested as Grim and Hawk made their way across the study to join them. Lavender pulled a face.
“You’ve confused appreciation for interest. I’m never leaving my tailor,” he vowed, as if he was discussing a spouse. Lane snorted and shook his head as he greeted Hawk and Grim.
“Hey. Talk to me about anything other than suits and tailors,” Lane ordered and they shared a confused glance before Hawk nodded at Lane.
“You’re the most normal person in this room,” he started and Lane choked on his drink.
“Paul’s pretty normal and there’s Sage,” Lane argued and waved at the sofa but Hawk shook his head.
“They’re both married to lunatics,” he stated. Lane hissed sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck but Lavender nodded in agreement.
“You have a point. What’s up?” Lane asked.
“What do you make of all of this? You see through his bullshit better than anyone, maybe even Sage, and you know what he really thinks of Blink,” Hawk said as he pointed at Lavender who gasped.
“I have been absolutely transparent about this and have done nothing to earn your distrust,” Lavender said. Hawk nodded and raised a shoulder.
“I’m still on the fence about you,” he replied. Lane laughed at Lavender’s dismay.
“You’re on the fence about me? Casper Grim makes sense to you but you don’t know if you can trust me?” He confirmed and Hawk nodded.
“Casper’s pretty easy to understand, once you look past the scary bits. I haven’t been able to see past the scary with you,” he explained simply. Lane stopped Lavender before he could take offense or say something offensive and gave his shoulder a playful shake.