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Page 8

  “Why don’t you like it when people call you Doctor?” Lane asked drowsily. He was too exhausted to have sex again but he didn't want to waste time he could have spent learning more about Aiden. Aiden yawned as he reached for the switch on the lamp. It clicked and the room was dark.

  “My father’s a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. He’s a big deal and everyone there knows who Dr. Sharp is. We don’t get along well. He thinks I’m a failure and he's ashamed of me. We haven’t talked since my mother died.” Aiden explained. Lane frowned against Aiden’s skin.

  “That doesn’t make any sense? How could he be ashamed of you?” Lane was appalled. Aiden shrugged beneath him.

  “He always thought that it was tragic. He had this beautiful son but inside, he was so defective. My parents argued about me all the time. Mom wanted to fight every fight for me and make everything easy. Dad did his best to pretend I didn’t exist. She was always trying to get him to engage and he was terrified I’d embarrass him around his super important clients and potential clients.” Aiden yawned again and Lane raised his head, trying to find Aiden’s eyes in the dark.

  “But you’re a genius! Like, a literal genius. How many parents would kill to have their child be an actual doctor by the age of twenty-two and considered the best in their field before they were thirty? I can’t believe he didn’t come around by the time you started college.” Lane said angrily. Aiden laughed softly.

  “He did, briefly. Then, I told him I was gay. He acted like he’d been cursed. Having gay clients and sucking up to rich gay people and celebrities was one thing. But having a gay son was unacceptable. A disabled gay son was just about the end of the world for him. So, I decided it was better for both of us if we acted like the other didn’t exist. He’s kind of a dickbag and every time someone calls me Dr. Sharp, I’m reminded that I’m his son.” His fingers were tracing swirls and zig zags over Lane’s back, making it hard for him to stay awake.

  “What happened to your mom?” Lane asked gently. Aiden sighed and it was heavy.

  “Drunk driver.” He whispered. Lane squeezed his eyes shut and held Aiden tighter.

  “I’m so sorry.” Lane said softly and he felt Aiden nod.

  “It’s why I don’t drive. I can drive but I get too nervous. It’s hard for me to focus on everything I’m supposed to outside of the car while keeping everything coordinated behind the wheel and my mind wants to drift off to whatever I’m fixated on at the time. I couldn’t live with myself if I killed someone. If I took away someone that was loved and needed… I wouldn’t survive that.” He brushed his lips against Lane’s shoulder and Lane’s heart broke for him. If there was anyone that needed a mother, it was Aiden.

  “Do you have any other family?” Lane held his breath, hoping Aiden had someone. He felt him shake his head and Lane’s heart ached even more.

  “My father remarried. I have a younger sister. I think she’s three. Her mother is twenty-five.” His voice was cold and hollow. Lane couldn’t blame him.

  “Yeah… that’s kind of gross.” He offered and Aiden chuckled.

  “I agree. What about you? Tell me about your family.” Aiden said.

  Lane told Aiden about how his parents were high school sweethearts and the large home he grew up in about an hour outside of Oklahoma City. He shared stories about his two brothers and sister. Lane told him about playing football in high school and how he was practically second to Jesus in their town because he had been quarterback when the Varsity team won the championship.

  “What did your parents do when you told them you were gay?” Aiden asked and Lane laughed.

  “They weren’t surprised. I never dated girls. One of the reasons I loved playing sports was because it gave me an excuse to stand in a shower full of naked guys. I love football and I could have played in college but the only reason I put up with getting the shit knocked out of me on the field was because I knew that when it was over, I had an excuse to slap all the naked dude ass I wanted. My dad wasn’t thrilled, he was worried I’d get hurt or killed. I love Oklahomans but the Bible’s big there and some people use it as an excuse to be pretty hateful. Mom thinks it’s awesome. She’s convinced there should be one of those Real Housewives shows for our little town and she’d be the glamorous wife with the trendy gay son in Chicago. My brothers and sister were cool, they kind of always knew. Everyone was sad when I moved away for college but they all knew it was for the best. I don’t get away from work often to visit home but they come up here regularly. Someone’s usually dropping in every other weekend or bugging me to meet them in the city.” Lane swallowed a yawn and raised his head. Aiden had become awfully quiet and his body was completely relaxed.

  “That’s nice.’ He mumbled drowsily as his hand cradled Lane’s head against his chest. Lane smiled as he pressed a kiss to Aiden’s skin.

  “This is nice.” He whispered as he let his eyelids sink and waited for his consciousness to melt away.

  Chapter 10

  Lane was whistling as he pushed open the door to the men’s restroom. He shook his head and teased himself for being such a cliche. He was a musical montage away from being a complete stereotype. And his face was sore from smiling. He fell asleep smiling and woke up smiling. Lane smiled as he stepped in front of the urinal and unzipped.

  He’d woken up alone and wandered downstairs to find Aiden on the treadmill. As soon as Aiden stepped off, Lane threw him against the glass and pushed his shirt up. Lane ran his tongue up Aiden’s stomach, letting it glide over the grooves of his abs, collecting Aiden’s sweat. Aiden tasted like salty iced tea and lust and Lane lost his mind. He dropped to his knees and tugged Aiden’s sweatpants down. His tongue washed over Aiden’s sack and cock as he moaned rapturously. It was so fucking good.

  Lane hummed happily as his mind replayed the events that followed. He started to get hard at the memory of being locked in the 69 position with Aiden in his study. He shook his head again in disbelief. It was all so surreal and not at all like his life. Rolling out of bed and finding a sweaty, gorgeous man in his home was mind boggling. Spontaneous, blow jobs with said man was beyond inconceivable. After, they showered, lazily bathing and teasing each other until the hot water ran out. They got ready together and ate a quick breakfast before heading to the station. All of it felt like heaven and Lane didn’t want it to end. Who knew you were the domestic bliss type? He wondered as he flushed.

  Hands slid around his waist and Lane grinned as he let his head fall back. Wrong scent. He frowned as his eyes went to the mirror and his body froze.

  “Get off me, Clark.” Lane growled as he elbowed Clark in the ribs. Lane grabbed his cock to put it back in his trousers and Clark pushed his hands away before he turned Lane and threw him against the wall.

  “Come on, Lane.” He whispered urgently as he wrapped his hands around Lane’s erection. “You’re so hard and I’ve missed you.” Clark tugged roughly and Lane’s stomach squeezed as bile tickled his throat. He grabbed Clark’s wrists and pulled but Clark held on tight. “I’ll suck you off right now.” He said as he leaned toward Lane’s mouth. Lane pulled his head out of the way and threw his shoulder into Clark’s chest causing him to stumble back a few steps.

  “I’m good. Aiden took care of that this morning.” Lane said as he quickly shoved his cock in his pants and closed them. Clark’s jaw and fists clenched as he seethed.

  “The two of you keep rubbing it in my face but you know that once he’s gone, you’ll be calling me.” He said as he moved in. Clark tried to force Lane against the wall but Lane pushed back.

  “Never again, Clark.” Lane promised as he went to the sink and turned on the water. “And are you out of your mind? What if someone came in?” He asked as he lathered his hands. Clark’s head jerked toward the door.

  “It’s locked. You can’t turn your back on two years, Lane.” He insisted. Lane snorted.

  “Two years of what? We don’t even like each other and it was always about you. I
was over it after about six months and I spent the next year and a half hating myself for not getting the fuck out.” Lane said as he dried his hands. Clark shook his head as he rushed at Lane. He grabbed Lane’s erection through his trousers as his eyes drove into Lane’s.

  “Then what’s this?” Clark asked huskily. Lane smiled as he tilted his head forward. He let his lips hover next to Clark’s ear and he felt a tremor pass through him.

  “That’s all Aiden. And you’re ruining it.” Lane whispered. Clark pulled his hand away as if he’d been burned and swore.

  “Fuck you, Lane!” He growled as he went for the door. “You know I’m right.” He swore as he pulled it open and stormed out.

  “Not a fucking chance.” Lane promised as he turned to the mirror and checked his hair and clothes. He turned and Aiden was leaning against the paper towel dispenser.

  “So… the door was locked.” He murmured as he raised a brow at Lane. Don’t panic. Just be honest, Lane told himself as he searched Aiden’s face.

  “Clark came in after me and he came onto me.” Lane explained. The muscle twitched in Aiden’s jaw and his eyes narrowed as they flicked restlessly over Lane’s face and body.

  “Did he touch you?” His voice was low and hard. Lane nodded despite his brain begging him not to. Aiden’s head fell and he stared at his shoes for several moments. “And you didn’t stop him?” He asked. Lane pushed his hands through his hair and exhaled loudly.

  “I did but he kept trying and he moved really fast.” Lane explained. Aiden looked up and he was furious. Lane held his hands up, gesturing for Aiden to calm down as he moved close.

  “He offered to suck my cock.” Lane whispered as he gathered Aiden’s face in his hands. Aiden’s eyes flared and he swore. Lane smiled wickedly as he rubbed his thumb over Aiden’s lips. “I told him you already took care of it.” Lane pressed his hips against Aiden’s and rocked against him, letting him feel how hard he was. “I told him that this is because of you.” He saw Aiden’s pupils spread and his body pulsed with heat. “I’m going to be in pain all day because of you. He never did that to me.” Lane said as his eyes clung to Aiden’s lips. They were driving him insane. They curved and Lane groaned as his cock throbbed.

  “Want to lock the door again?” Aiden murmured.

  Lane opened his mouth to tell Aiden to hold the thought when the door swung open and a conversation tumbled into restroom. Lane stepped back quickly and Aiden sighed. Lane nodded at two detectives as they came in and leaned against the sink and tried to act relaxed. Aiden shrugged as he jerked his head toward the door before be pushed away from the wall and left. The conversation continued behind Lane as one of the detectives leaned over a urinal and the other went into a stall. Lane silently prayed that one of them would get his dick slammed in a door and the other would catch his balls in his zipper before he exited the bathroom.

  Fate smiled on Lane in that Clark didn’t turn up again for the rest of the day. Fate kicked Lane in the balls about a dozen times though. Every time he found a moment, he’d stop by his desk to check on Aiden and Lane’s pulse would go wild and his body would tighten. He spent most of the day carrying around a folder so he could strategically hide behind it whenever he looked at Aiden for too long. Aiden was having a good day. Lane had one of the patrols deliver McDonald’s and Aiden looked like he was going to weep over his two cheeseburger meal. Aiden spent the rest of the day with his feet up on Lane’s desk as he studied Clark’s case. Every now and then his eyes would meet Lane’s and he’d offer him a cocky grin and Lane would need the folder again. As if all of that wasn’t cruel enough, Chief was watching them closely and picked up on Lane’s predicament. Every time Lane casually held the folder in front of his crotch Chief’s laugh would bellow from his office. This place could do with less windows, Lane decided.

  Aiden was more restless than usual during the drive home. As soon as they were through the door and Lane locked it behind them, Aiden threw him against it and quickly opened Lane’s trousers. Lane gasped in relief and sagged against the panels as Aiden went to his knees. Aiden was ruthless. His hands wrapped around Lane’s hips like a vise as he took Lane deep into his throat. Aiden’s mouth was demanding, sucking hard and licking greedily. Lane tried to get him to slow down but Aiden only became more determined. His hands pulled Lane’s groin against his face and Lane shuddered when Aiden’s nose pressed into the hair at the base of his cock. Lane’s brain turned to jelly and he screamed Aiden’s name as he came deep in his throat.

  Before Lane could catch his breath, Aiden jumped to his feet, grabbed Lane by the front of his shirt and pulled him off the door. He spun Lane and shoved him toward the stairs. Aiden’s hands pushed against Lane’s back as he stumbled quickly up the steps. His pants were around his ankles by the time Aiden threw him face down on the bed. The bedside table drawer opened and Lane grinned into the duvet as he got his elbows under him as he heard the crinkle and ripping of a condom wrapper. A moment later, Aiden grabbed Lane’s hips and tugged, bringing Lane’s ass back, over his knees. Lane groaned as he felt Aiden’s cool, slick finger glide over his tight hole.

  “Go easy on me. I’m still a little sore from yesterday.” Lane mumbled. But he could tell by the way his body started to shake, he wasn’t going to be happy with easy. Aiden’s finger pressed in and Lane shivered.

  “That’s not what you want.” Aiden whispered as his finger stroked smoothly. Lane shook his head and let it drop. Lane was mindless, covered in sweat and hard by the time Aiden slid into him. “So good, Lane.” Aiden groaned as he drove deep and slow. Lane nodded drunkenly as he clawed at the duvet.

  “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck…” Lane panted as his toes curled. “I need more.” He gasped as he leaned back into Aiden’s thrust. Aiden growled as his hands slid up Lane’s back and locked around his shoulders.

  “I know what you need, Lane.” He rasped. Aiden rolled his hips, driving deeper as he pulled Lane hard against him. “He can’t give you this.” Aiden ground out through clenched teeth as he started to thrust fast. Lane shook his head weakly as he moistened his lips to speak.

  “No. Just you.” He breathed. It was all he could manage as pleasure and pressure coiled tight in his groin and gripped his sack ruthlessly. Lane would have screamed Aiden’s name but a strangled yell flew from his mouth as goosebumps exploded beneath his skin and light flashed behind his eyelids. Liquid heat surged through his veins and come burst from the head of his cock as Lane’s whole body jerked and began to convulse. He heard Aiden hiss and his nails dug into Lane’s flesh.

  “Fuck!” Aiden shrieked. “I’m coming!” He gasped as he arched and froze. Lane felt Aiden’s cock swell and pulse as his hips thrust jerkily three more times before Aiden’s body came apart. He spasmed and twitched over Lane before he collapsed on top of him. Lane fell forward and groaned as he felt wet warmth and fabric stick to his stomach.

  “Shit.” He sighed.

  “Hmm?” Aiden hummed between Lane’s shoulder blades. Lane cringed.

  “The duvet.” He mumbled. Aiden pressed a kiss to Lane’s skin before he rolled off of him onto his back. His lips twisted as he looked at Lane.

  “Buy a new one?” He offered and Lane rolled his eyes as he pushed off of the bed and looked down at the flattened pool beneath him.

  “Or, I could wash the cover and send the comforter to the dry cleaner, genius.” Lane suggested as he stood on shaky legs. “Get up. I’ll grab another one out of the linen closet and a clean cover.” He commanded as he pulled his boxer briefs up and kicked off his shoes. Aiden grinned as he rolled off the bed.

  “You’re a man of many talents.” He announced as he pulled his shirt off. “Hurry up. I want to take a shower.” Aiden said as he fell into the chair and reached for his shoes. Lane shook his head.

  “Nope. You can do it.” He said as he stepped out of his pants and walked into the hallway. When he returned with his arms full of comforter and a duvet cover Aiden was frowni
ng at him.

  “I don’t know what to do with that.” He grumbled. Lane laughed as he tossed them at Aiden.

  “Time to learn. In fact, we’ll wash your clothes too. It’ll be an evening of revelations.” Lane promised as he stripped off his shirt and went to the bed. “Do a good job and I’ll make you a grilled cheese for dinner.” He said as he pulled the christened duvet and comforter off the bed.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning was rushed and reality was a cold shock for Lane. He sensed that Aiden was jarred by it as well. After a lazy evening of laundry, grilled cheese sandwiches and a long, hot shower, waking up and hurrying through a routine morning felt brutal. The rush was largely due to the fact that Aiden woke up and informed Lane that he needed to go to the mall and buy “court clothes”. And Aiden had to shave. Lane clenched his jaw and paced as Aiden slowly and methodically scraped the razor over his face in neat, narrow rows.

  As soon as the mall opened, Lane rushed Aiden to Banana Republic. They knew Lane there and he knew exactly what he wanted to see Aiden in. Aiden wasn’t as cooperative as Lane would have liked. He refused to wear a coat and insisted that he would wear his Converse. Lane had to make the best of it. He grabbed a grey micro-gingham, slim fit shirt and dark grey trousers. Aiden quickly pulled everything on in the dressing room and ripped off the tags. When they found the ties, Aiden locked onto a black tie with tiny skulls and refused to consider something more basic and traditional. Lane had to admit, all together, it worked. Really well. Aiden didn’t look like a doctor, about to testify in a murder trial but he looked a hell of a lot hotter than the models on the posters and tags in the store. The saleswoman blushed and practically drooled as Aiden paid for his clothes. She absently hugged Aiden’s hoodie to her chest when he said he didn’t need his old clothes. Lane winked and nodded at her as they left and she turned bright red when she realized she was still clutching the hoodie tightly.